Braidfield Energy Storage Project
Comments made to ILI Group are not formal representations to the Scottish Government if we submit a planning application there will be an opportunity to make formal representations on the application to the Scottish Government.
What is the project
- 100MW Energy Storage facility containerised Battery Storage
- The development would consist of containers containing batteries and associated equipment, an access track, electricity, meter building and fencing
- Stores excess energy from the grid
- Puts electricity back into the grid when required
- This helps balance the supply and demand for the grid
Who are ILI Group?
- Energy Storage Development Company
- Based in Hamilton, Lanarkshire
- Started in 2017
- Bringing 4.7GW of Energy Storage to Scotland
- Developing 3 Pumped Storage Hydro Projects 450MW +
- 2.2 GW of Battery Storage
Why is it needed?
- Scotland has a Target of Net Zero by 2045
- Renewable energy is intermittent, This means we can’t rely on it to meet demand
- Fossil fuel generators coal gas and nuclear make up the difference
- As these go off line we need to be able to meet that demand
- Energy storage lets us store renewable energy for when it is needed
- National Grid ESO have estimated we need up to 40GW of energy storage by 2050
- The Scottish Energy Strategy, published 2018, supports new energy storage capacity. It states that the Scottish Government will continue to support innovation and deployment in storage and to work to accelerate its penetration across Scotland.
Why in this Location?
- The land is located near the Windyhill GSP
- There is available capacity at the Grid Supply Point
- Across Scotland there are very few Grid Locations that can accept this level of power.
Location Plan
The site is located at Braidfield Farm, Clydebank. The site is currently a horse paddock.
The closest house is Braidfield Farm itself at around 200 metres from the proposed plant, and then over 300m for other houses on Braidfield Road and the hotel (The Titan / Hungry Horse).
St Peter the Apostle High School lies around 200 metres away across the A82 Great Western Road and Singer Station is around 1.2km to the south west.
Project Visualisations
This Image shows where we have taken the photos from on the A82 Great Western Road, facing towards the project.